udn x 瘋活動 | 給你不只藝種人生
udn瘋活動 活動 怪獸與大自然的奇幻世界 Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature

怪獸與大自然的奇幻世界 Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature

2024.07.04 ~ 2024.10.13

臺北市 中正紀念堂(Taipei CKSMH 1 Exhibition Hall)

Fantastic Beasts™: The Wonder of Nature

Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature Is Coming to Taiwan.

Taipei will be the first station in Asia for the exhibition.
Taiwan’s Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (CKSMH) will welcome a fascinating new international exhibition, opening to the public this summer from July 4.


Organizer| Natural History Museum, Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment, British Broadcasting Company, udnFunLife
Ticketing website | udntickets


銷售票種 票價 販售期間 購票通路
預售單人票 NT$390 5/22~7/3 (5/22 中午12時啟售)
● udn售票網搶先開賣
(6/3 午夜00:00啟售)
● ibon、KLOOK、kkday、OPENTIX、博客來、全家、GOMAJI
雙人紀念套票 NT$899 5/22~7/3 (5/22 中午12時啟售)
● udn售票網搶先開賣
(6/3 午夜00:00啟售)
● ibon、KLOOK、kkday、OPENTIX、博客來、全家、GOMAJI
NT$650 5/22~7/3 (5/22 中午12時啟售)
● udn售票網
(6/3 午夜00:00啟售)



銷售票種 平日票價 假日票價 販售期間 購票通路
展期單人票 NT$470 NT$490 7/4~10/13 ● udn售票網、ibon、KLOOK、kkday、OPENTIX、Books、FamilyMart、GOMAJI
展期雙人票 NT$890 NT$930 7/4~10/13 ● udn售票網、KLOOK


【團體購票方案】⇒ 2024.5.22(三)~2024.10.3(四)

票種 票價 販售期間 購票通路
團體預售優惠 370元 5/22(三)~7/3(三)
(02) 2649-1689#1
團體展期優惠 400元 7/4(四)~10/2(三)









●服務專線﹕02-26491689 #1 (週一至五09:30~17:00)。或加入官方LINE@好友搜尋ID:「@wdu5975e」線上諮詢。



票種 平日
全票 470元
490元 ● 一般身分者適用
優待票 450元
470元 ● 持中華民國大專院校(含)以下有效學生證件,以當學期註冊章為憑。
● 年滿3歲(含)以上之兒童
愛心票 245元 ● 65歲(含)以上長者本人適用(需驗證,每證限購一張)
● 身心障礙人士證件本人及身心障礙人士之必要陪同者一名,每證限購1張。
免票資格 - ● 未滿3歲之兒童


♦ 每張票券限一人使用,憑票入場,不得重複使用。
♦ 平日票僅限於非國定假日之周一至周五使用,若於假日使用須補差額;若持假日票於周一至周五使用,將不退差額。(假日定義:每周六、日,以及9/17、10/10)
♦ 雙人套票需兩人同時入場,不可分開使用;請於入場時憑QR code於入口處兌換紀念套票。本套票為紀念性質,不可憑票入場。
♦ 紀念套票與玻璃獸絨毛玩偶套票請於展覽期間(2024/7/4-2024/10/13)至展覽現場,核銷驗票後即可兌換並同時入場。(不提供預先領紀念套票/玻璃獸絨毛玩偶改日入場,以及郵寄服務)
♦ 雙人紀念套票:包含雙人同時入場電子票*1 + PVC特殊設計票卡*2 + 紐特皮箱設計票夾*2。
 玻璃獸絨毛玩偶套票:包含單人電子票*1 + 12吋玻璃獸絨毛玩偶一隻。
♦ 本票券為有價票券,請自行妥善保管,如發生遺失、破損、打洞、塗改、污損、影印或撕毀等無法辨識之情形視為無效,恕不接受退換補發。
♦ 本票券有效期間為本展覽期間內(2024/10/13止),逾期視同作廢。退換票需求請於2024/10/13前至原購票通路辦理,逾期恕不受理。退換票辦理方式請參照各通路退票規定。
♦ 展場現場僅接受現場票亭售出之票券退票,需檢附完整無使用之票券、發票、信用卡簽單,每張票券需酌收實際銷售價格之10%作為退票手續費。
♦ 未滿3歲之兒童可免費入場,需由一位成人持票陪同入場。(需出示相關證件,未攜帶證件以身高是否滿90公分判定;年齡計算方式以進場參觀當日實歲計算)
♦ 免票資格身分者,請於入場前主動出示證件供服務人員驗證,如不符資格請依身分購票;符合優惠身分者(優待票、愛心票)持票入場後,不可要求部分退款或貼補門票差額。
♦ 為使服務人員能清楚辨認,身心障礙之必要陪伴者請緊隨身心障礙人士入場。
♦ 凡購買套票需留意套票組合內容物皆需完整無使用,才可成套進行退款,請查閱各售票通路退票規定說明辦理。
♦ 上述事項若有未盡事宜還請參見官方網站及FB公告,主辦單位保留活動之解釋權利。

♦ Each ticket is for single use only. Reuse of tickets is not permitted.
♦ Weekday tickets are only valid for use from Monday to Friday, excluding national holidays. If used on holidays, a price difference must be paid. If a holiday ticket is used from Monday to Friday, no refund will be given. (Holidays are defined as every Saturday, Sunday, 9/17, and 10/10.)
♦ Commemorative ticket sets require both individuals to enter at the same time and cannot be separated. Please exchange the QR code for commemorative tickets at the entrance upon entry. This ticket is for commemorative purposes only and cannot be used for entry.
♦ This ticket is valid for the duration of the exhibition (until 13th October 2024). Expired tickets will be considered void. Requests for refunds or exchanges must be made before 13th October 2024 through the original ticketing channel. Late requests will not be entertained. Please refer to the refund policies of respective ticketing channels for procedures.
♦ Children under 3 years old can enter for free but must be accompanied by an adult holding a ticket. (Relevant identification must be presented. If no identification is available, height will be used as a criterion, with a minimum height of 90 centimeters considered eligible. Age calculation is based on the actual age on the day of visit.)
♦ To facilitate clear identification, necessary companions of individuals with disabilities should enter immediately after the disabled person.
♦ Those purchasing package tickets should note that all items in the package must be intact and unused for a complete refund. Please refer to the refund policy of each ticketing outlet for details on processing.
♦ For any matters not covered above, please refer to the official website and Facebook announcements. The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event.


♦ 主辦單位不主動提供寄物服務,嬰兒車及大型行李需配合工作人員指示置放展場外,主辦單位不負責個人之財物損失,請妥善保管好隨身物品及貴重物品。
♦ 本展覽僅部分區域開放拍照攝影,全展區禁止使用閃光燈、腳架、自拍棒及穩定器。未經事先許可,不可自行拍攝商業照片或採訪。
♦ 展場內無設置洗手間與垃圾桶,請先至中正紀念堂場館內使用廁所後,再行入場參觀
♦ 請遵守參觀動線、展場規則及現場工作人員指示,如遇人潮眾多,敬請依序排隊等候。
♦ 展場內禁止嬉戲、奔跑與飲食,請勿攜帶食物或飲料入場;禁止吸菸、嚼食口香糖及檳榔;禁止於展場現場兜售、轉賣票券;如有不當行為經規勸無效者,則須立即離場且不得有異議,恕不補償或退還門票費用。
♦ 展場內不可攜帶寵物(導盲犬除外)、長柄雨傘及各式危險物品與違禁品入場;展場內禁止拍打、觸碰展品及展櫃,如有損壞事宜,需照價賠償。
♦ 展場內皆有定點工作人員維護場內秩序,如發現任何可疑人物或不明物體、撿到遺失物品、或身體感到不適,請立即通知附近的工作人員尋求協助。
♦ 離場後如需再次進場,可於展場出口處蓋印重複入場章,並重新於入口排隊入場,惟僅限當日展覽營業時間內進出展覽。前往紀念品區購買商品不須另外購票,請從出口處前往紀念品區。
♦ 為維護觀展品質及安全,展場參觀人數達上限時,將進行人流管制,售票處將暫停售票,敬請配合工作人員指示,於入口處依序等候入場 (最終入場時間17:30)。
♦ 展覽營業時間及規定若有所異動,請依現場或官方粉絲團公告為準,上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留活動之解釋權利。

♦ The organizer does not provide storage services. Strollers and large luggage must be placed outside the exhibition hall according to staff instructions. The organizer is not responsible for personal belongings; please take care of your valuables and personal items.
♦ Photography is only permitted in certain areas of the exhibition; the use of flashlights, tripods, selfie sticks, and stabilizers is prohibited throughout the entire exhibition area. Commercial photography or interviews are not permitted without prior permission.
♦ There are no restrooms or trash cans inside the exhibition hall. Please use the facilities at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall before entering.
♦ Please follow the designated paths, exhibition rules, and instructions from on-site staff. In case of crowded conditions, please queue in an orderly manner.
♦ Playing, running, and eating are prohibited inside the exhibition hall. Please do not bring food or drinks inside. Smoking, chewing gum, and betel nuts are prohibited. Selling or reselling tickets at the venue is also prohibited. Individuals engaging in improper behavior will be asked to leave immediately without compensation or ticket refunds.
♦ Pets (except guide dogs), long-handled umbrellas, and various dangerous items and prohibited items are not allowed inside the exhibition hall. It is prohibited to hit or touch exhibits and display cabinets; any damage must be compensated accordingly.
♦ There are staff members stationed throughout the exhibition hall to maintain order. If you notice any suspicious individuals or objects, find lost items, or feel unwell, please notify nearby staff for assistance immediately.
♦ If re-entry is required after leaving the premises, an entry stamp can be obtained at the exit. Re-entry is allowed only during the operating hours of the exhibition on the same day. Purchasing merchandise in the exhibition shop does not require an additional ticket; please proceed directly from the exit to the exhibition shop.
♦ To ensure the quality and safety of the exhibition, crowd control measures will be implemented when the number of visitors reaches capacity. Ticket sales may be temporarily suspended. Please follow the instructions of the staff and queue at the entrance accordingly (last entry at 17:30).
♦ For any changes to the exhibition hours and regulations, please refer to on-site or official FB announcements. The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event.