2024.12.19 ~ 2025.04.06
臺北市 國立臺灣科學教育館 7樓南側展區
⭐超巨型 37公尺長 泰坦巨龍等身大復原骨骼 驚喜登台
⭐全新互動裝置 帶你進入泰坦巨龍生長的史前時代
⭐全台唯一站 直面史前巨獸帶來的震撼
⭐餵食恐龍?! 現場帶你體驗前所未有的巴洛龍餵食互動
⭐陸地霸主泰坦巨龍 與 掠食王者霸王龍的世紀對決等你來見證!
銷售票種 |
票價 |
販售期間 |
購票通路 |
預售單人票 |
NT$ 390 |
10/21(一) ~12/18(三) |
(10/21 中午12時啟售) |
(11/4 午夜00:00啟售) |
預售雙人票 |
NT$ 750 |
(10/21 中午12時啟售) |
(11/4 午夜00:00啟售) ●Klook |
預售三人票 |
NT$ 1080 |
(10/21 中午12時啟售) |
(11/4 午夜00:00啟售) ●KKday |
【預售限定聯票】 |
NT$ 539 |
(11/4 午夜00:00啟售) ●Klook |
銷售票種 |
票價 |
販售期間 |
購票通路 |
展期單人票 |
NT$ 490 |
12/19(四)~4/6(日) |
● udn售票網、ibon、Klook、KKday、OPENTIX、博客來 |
展期雙人票 |
NT$ 930 |
● udn售票網、Klook |
展期三人票 |
NT$ 1380 |
● udn售票網、KKday |
【展期限定聯票】 |
NT$ 640 |
●Klook |
票種 |
票價 |
販售期間 |
購票通路 |
團體預售優惠 |
350元 |
2024/10/21(一)~2024/12/18(三) |
團體服務專線 |
團體展期優惠 |
420元 |
2024/12/19(四)~2025/3/26(三) |
390元 |
2024/12/19(四)~2025/3/26(三) |
※以上票種現場無販售,最遲須於參觀日前一週完成聯繫訂購。 ※不限持票資格,平假日皆可使用。 ※如欲退票請洽原購票通路辦理,另酌收票面總額10%退票處理費;完整退票文件須於展覽結束(2025/4/6)前寄達本公司,逾期恕不受理。 |
票種 |
票價 |
適用對象 |
全票 |
490元 |
●一般身分者適用 |
優待票 |
470元 |
●持中華民國大專院校(含)以下有效學生證件,以當學期註冊章為憑。 |
愛心票 |
245元 |
● 65歲(含)以上長者本人適用(需驗證,每證限購一張) (需出示身心障礙手冊證件正本) |
免票資格 |
● 未滿3歲之兒童 |
※各項優惠適用年齡計算方式以進場當日實歲計算。 |
【Ticket Notice】
1.Single tickets are valid for one person only; they cannot be reused. Ticket for two require both persons to enter at the same time, and ticket for three require all three persons to enter at the same time; they cannot be separated.
2.Tickets are valuable and should be kept safe. If a ticket is lost, damaged, punctured, altered, soiled, photocopied, or torn to the extent that it cannot be identified or is overdue, it will be considered invalid, and no refunds or replacements will be issued.
3.Children under 3 years old can enter for free but must be accompanied by an adult holding a ticket. (Relevant identification must be presented. If no identification is available, height will be used as a criterion, children taller than 90 centimeters need to purchase a ticket. Age calculation is based on the actual age on the day of visit.)
4.Those eligible for free entry must proactively present identification for verification before entering. If eligibility is not met, tickets must be purchased according to their status. Guests with discount tickets cannot request partial refunds or price adjustments after entry.
5.To facilitate clear identification, necessary companions of individuals with disabilities should enter immediately after the disabled person.
6.The validity period of the tickets is during the exhibition period (until April 6, 2025). Tickets will be considered void after this date. If a refund is needed, please complete the process through the original ticketing channel before the exhibition closes on April 6, 2025. No requests will be accepted after this date. Refund procedures should follow the original ticketing channel’s policies, and a 10% handling fee based on the actual sale price of each ticket will be charged. Any postage or transfer fees incurred from refunds will be the responsibility of the party requesting the refund.
7.For those purchasing package tickets (including tickets for two and three persons), please ensure that all tickets in the package are complete and unused in order to process a refund.
8.Only tickets purchased at the on-site ticket booth can be refunded on site. Unused tickets, along with invoices and credit card slips, must be presented for processing.
9.For any matters not covered above, please refer to the official website and Facebook announcements. The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event.
1. 除夕休館。展覽開放時間:非寒假之平日為09:00-17:00 (16:30停止售票及入場),假日及寒假(1/21-2/10)為09:00-18:00 (17:30停止售票及入場)。
2. 主辦單位不提供寄物服務,嬰兒車及大型行李需配合工作人員指示置放展場外,主辦單位不負責個人之財物損失,請妥善保管好隨身物品及貴重物品。
3. 展場內燈光因展覽內容規劃需求,較為昏暗,請留意自身、同行者及其他參觀民眾安全。兒童參觀時請同行家長善盡監督責任,以確保兒童安全。
4. 為維護版權所有,場內部分展品不開放拍照及錄影。為維護其他人觀展權益,拍照、錄影時禁止使用閃光燈、補光設備、腳架、自拍棒及穩定器等輔助器材。未經事先許可,不可自行拍攝商業照片或採訪。
5. 展場內無設置洗手間與垃圾桶,請先至展場外周邊使用廁所後,再行入場參觀。
6. 展場內禁止飲食、追逐、嬉戲、吸菸、嚼食口香糖及檳榔等,請勿攜帶食物、飲料、寵物(導盲犬除外)、長柄雨傘、任何違禁品及其他經工作人員判定為危險物品入場。
7. 展場內禁止拍打、觸碰展品及展櫃,如有展品及展場相關設置等損壞事宜,須照價賠償。
8. 請遵循參觀相關規定及工作人員的指示,如未遵循指示且經勸導後無意改善,而造成受傷、損壞、損失與其他糾紛,主辦單位一概不負相關責任,且主辦單位有權要求離場,恕不歸還或補償門票費用。
9. 禁止於展場現場兜售、轉賣票券;如有不當行為經規勸無效者,則須立即離場且不得有異議,恕不補償或退還門票費用。
10. 展場內皆有定點工作人員維護場內秩序,如發現任何可疑人物或不明物體、撿到遺失物品、或身體感到不適,請立即通知附近的工作人員尋求協助。
11. 離場後如需再次進場,可於展場出口處蓋印重複入場章,並重新於入口排隊入場,惟僅限當日展覽營業時間內進出展覽。
12. 展場內如遇人潮眾多,敬請依序排隊等候。
13. 為維護觀展品質及安全,展場參觀人數達上限時,將進行人流管制,敬請配合工作人員指示,於入口處依序等候入場。
14. 展覽營業時間及相關規定如有異動,請依現場或官方粉絲團公告為準,上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留活動之解釋權利。
【Entry Notice】
1.The exhibition will be closed on New Year's Eve. Opening hours are: weekdays (excluding winter vacation) from 09:00 to 17:00 (ticket sales and entry stop at 16:30), and on weekends and during winter vacation (January 21 to February 10) from 09:00 to 18:00 (ticket sales and entry stop at 17:30).
2.The organizer does not provide storage services. Strollers and large luggage must be placed outside the exhibition hall according to staff instructions. The organizer is not responsible for personal belongings; please take care of your valuables and personal items.
3.The lighting in the exhibition area may be dim due to the exhibition's design requirements. Please be mindful of your own safety as well as that of your companions and other visitors. Parents should supervise their children during the visit to ensure their safety.
4.To protect copyright, some exhibits are not open for photography or videography. To respect the rights of other visitors, the use of flash, additional lighting, tripods, selfie sticks, and stabilizers is prohibited when taking photos or videos. Commercial photography or interviews are not allowed without prior permission.
5.There are no restrooms or trash cans inside the exhibition area. Please use the facilities outside before entering.
6.Eating, drinking, running, playing, smoking, chewing gum, or betel nut is prohibited in the exhibition area. Please do not bring food, drinks, pets (except guide dogs), long umbrellas, prohibited items, or any items deemed dangerous by staff.
7.Touching or hitting exhibits and display cases is prohibited. If any exhibits or related setups are damaged, any damage must be compensated accordingly.
8.Please follow the designated paths, exhibition rules, and instructions from on-site staff. If you do not comply and fail to improve after being advised, and this results in injury, damage, loss, or other disputes, the organizers will not be held responsible. They also reserve the right to ask you to leave without refunding or compensating your ticket cost.
9.Selling or reselling tickets at the venue is also prohibited. Individuals engaging in improper behavior will be asked to leave immediately without compensation or ticket refunds.
10.There are staff members stationed throughout the exhibition hall to maintain order. If you notice any suspicious individuals or objects, find lost items, or feel unwell, please notify nearby staff for assistance immediately.
11.If re-entry is required after leaving the premises, an entry stamp can be obtained at the exit. Re-entry is allowed only during the operating hours of the exhibition on the same day.
12.Please queue in order if the exhibition area is crowded.
13.To ensure the quality and safety of the exhibition, crowd control measures will be implemented when the number of visitors reaches capacity. Please follow the instructions of the staff and queue at the entrance accordingly.
14.For any changes to the exhibition hours and regulations, please refer to on-site or official FB announcements. The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event.