udn x 瘋活動 | 給你不只藝種人生
udn瘋活動 活動 史前巨獸泰坦恐龍展


2024.12.19 ~ 2025.04.06

臺北市 國立臺灣科學教育館 7樓南側展區

⭐超巨型巴塔哥巨龍(Titanosaur Patagotitan Mayorum)等身大復原骨骼 驚喜登台
⭐打造全新互動裝置 探索泰坦恐龍的成長歷程
⭐全台唯一一站 直面史前巨獸帶來的震撼

這是一個有趣的互動展覽,觀眾可以親身感受,並在重達2.67噸的巴塔哥巨龍(Patagotitan mayorum)全身復原骨骼下方觀察,這是迄今為止發現的最完整的巨大恐龍。我們將與全台熱愛恐龍、研究生物的觀眾,探索如此龐大的生物如何能在地球上生存。


史前巨獸 37公尺長巴塔哥泰坦恐龍 今年12月震撼登台!








“恐龍”一詞出現之前,牠們被稱為”可怕的蜥蜴(terrible lizards)”,自從1842年大英自然史博物館創館館長創造”恐龍”這個名字,這些”可怕的蜥蜴”開始令全球瘋狂,並激發了全球孩子們的想像力,以及對自然世界的熱情,進而探索自然科學,無論年齡,這都是了解進化歷史的奇妙途徑。大英自然史博物館·公眾項目主任亞歷克斯·伯奇博士。



2024/12/19-2025/4/6 一起來揭開史前巨獸的神秘面紗~


 37公尺長 巴塔哥巨龍等身大復原骨骼化石驚喜登台

© Trustees of the Natural History Museum. London

 打造全新互動裝置 探索泰坦恐龍的成長歷程

© Trustees of the Natural History Museum. London



「大英自然史博物館非常高興能在台灣展示我們令人驚豔的展覽《史前巨獸泰坦恐龍展》。我毫不懷疑,參觀這個展覽的遊客將會驚嘆不已,與巴塔哥巨龍(Patogotitan mayorum)面對面,這是已知地球上最大的生物之一。我們的巡迴展覽講述了這個巨獸的驚奇的生長歷程,觀眾將了解如此龐大的動物是如何生存的。






我們的願景是建立一個人類和地球共同繁榮的未來;目標是成為改變的催化劑,讓地球倡議者參與我們所做的一切。我們的 350 名科學家正在從生活的各個層面,尋找出應對地球緊急情況的解決方案。




The prehistoric giant, the 37-meter-long dinosaur Patagotitan mayorum , will make a stunning debut this December!

The new blockbuster world tour exhibition from the Natural History Museum, London!!


A life-size replica of an enormous Titanosaur skeleton, measuring 37 meters in length, will make its grand debut exclusively at the National Taiwan Science Education Center this December, promising an unprecedented shock and surprise for audiences across Taiwan.

Did you know that the Titanosaurus eggs were roughly the size of grapefruits?

How did these tiny dinosaur eggs grow into massive prehistoric giants?

And how did Titanosaurs survive at such an enormous size?

The Natural History Museum, London has created a brand new interactive installation that allows visitors to learn about how tiny dinosaur eggs grow into prehistoric giants through gameplay. Experience the vibrant life force of the natural world, explore the roles large animals play in ecosystems, and understand how these elements are closely connected to Earth and human survival. It's not too late to start protecting our biodiversity!

Dr Alex Burch, Director of Public Programmes at the Natural History Museum London,says, ‘Since the term dinosaur was coined back in 1842 by the founding Director of the Natural History Museum, these ‘terrible lizards’ have captured the imaginations of children everywhere. These awe-inspiring giants entice children to science and inspire them about the natural world – helping them become advocates for the planet from an early age. Learning that birds are living dinosaurs is an amazing entry to evolution - at any age!’

This is the only stop in Taiwan that allows you to deeply understand and closely experience the shock of the Titanosaur, while discovering the scientific knowledge we can develop studying fossil dinosaur skeletons.

From December 19, 2024, to April 6, 2025, come join us in unveiling the mysteries of prehistoric beast!


“The Natural History Museum in London is delighted to showcase our remarkable exhibition Titanosaur: Life as the Biggest Dinosaur, in Taiwan. I have no doubt that visitors to this exhibition will be in awe standing toe-to-toe with Patogotitan mayorum, one of the largest known creatures to have walked the Earth. Our touring exhibition tells a fascinating journey about the life of this giant and guests will learn how an animal of this immense scale could ever have existed.

“The incredible animals that we share the world with today continue to play a vital part in our ecosystem, from huge elephants and rhinos to even bigger blue whales, but unfortunately, they are increasingly at risk of extinction from habitat loss, climate change and the devastating impact humans have. We hope this exhibition will inspire visitors to become advocates for planet, now more than ever, to protect the worlds biodiversity for future generations.
“I wish to express my gratitude to the teams in Taiwan and the UK that have made this wonderful project possible, and I do hope visitors will enjoy this exciting exhibition.”

Dr Douglas Gurr
Director of the Natural History Museum, London


The Natural History Museum is a world-leading science centre and one of the most visited attractions in the UK. A global source of curiosity, inspiration and joy.

Our vision is to build a future in which both people and the planet thrive.

We aim to be a catalyst for change, engaging advocates for the planet in everything that we do. Our 350 scientists are finding solutions to the planetary emergency in all aspects of life.

Visit, join and support the Natural History Museum today. Protecting the planet. It's in our nature.